Using Handbrake for H.264 encoding

Handbrake.Allvideofilesusewhatiscalledacodecinordertoencodethevideodata.Differentsoftwareorcameras,suchastheFlipcameraoriPhone, ...,HandBrakealsoofferstheMP3audiocodec,forwhichitusestheverywell-regardedlameencoder.Vorbis:HandBrakeoffersVorbisaudi...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Handbrake. All video files use what is called a codec in order to encode the video data. Different software or cameras, such as the Flip camera or iPhone, ...

Audio Codecs

HandBrake also offers the MP3 audio codec, for which it uses the very well-regarded lame encoder. Vorbis: HandBrake offers Vorbis audio encoding as well ...

Video Codecs

A free and open video codec which offers significant improvements over Theora. VP3 (Theora): HandBrake can also encode Theora video. Theora video with ...

Video codecs

Developed by Google and the successor to VP8, VP9 is a free and open video codec; Comparable to HEVC/H.265 in quality and file size; Slower encoding compared ...

HandBrake 1.7.3 Free Download

HandBrake is a software tool for multithreaded video transcoding and converting, whose main advantage is the ability to handle many video and audio file formats ...


Handbrake.Allvideofilesusewhatiscalledacodecinordertoencodethevideodata.Differentsoftwareorcameras,suchastheFlipcameraoriPhone, ...,HandBrakealsoofferstheMP3audiocodec,forwhichitusestheverywell-regardedlameencoder.Vorbis:HandBrakeoffersVorbisaudioencodingaswell ...,AfreeandopenvideocodecwhichofferssignificantimprovementsoverTheora.VP3(Theora):HandBrakecanalsoencodeTheoravideo.Theoravideowith ....